Why did my rate go up? This is probably the question I get more than any other. Did you have any claims? Seems like a simple answer, but most don’t realize that every claim you file has an impact. This includes towing, Glass claims, not at fault accidents. If the answer to that question is Read More
Home Inventory
You come home to everything in ashes. Now what? You have to rebuild everything you had. Where do you start? How good is your memory. I can’t tell you where I left my keys half the time never mind every single item I have in my house. Video is great but where do you store Read More
Should College Athletes Buy Disability Insurance?
Kevin Ware’s grisly leg fracture during Louisville’s run to the title was excruciating to watch for anyone—but especially so for NCAA athletes, who were reminded of how quickly and violently hopes of an eventual professional career can be put in jeopardy. Mishaps like Ware’s help explain why athletic-disability insurance policies, once reserved for elite professionals Read More